Saving wildlife

-OMG!!! What happened to you!?- Aurora asks
-A group of fishermen were fishing in the area and threw this net off board because it had holes too big for them to catch fish. It smelled so much like fish that I thought there were still some inside. The I got stuck- the seal says
-This is a problem even bigger than plastic bottles!- Aurora said, after helping the seal out of the net
-It's not only nets. The whole ocean is filled with weird plastic shapes. Plastic bags that look like medusae are killing my turtle and whale friends- replied the seal
-And it's even worse for birds and fish, because there are very tiny plastics that nobody can see, and everybody ends up eating them- the seal concluded
-I need to talk to someone about this!- Aurora claimed
-A while ago one of my friends got rescued and taken away by a group of volunteers from the Vancouver aquarium- the seal said