AH!! Who said that? - yelled Aurora at the mysterious voice
-Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm one of the biologists that work here at the Museum. My name is
Elias - said the mysterious voice
-I'm interested on knowing why there are so many animals affected by plastics. WHAT ARE PLASTICS
ANYWAY!? - asked Aurora
-Well, it isn't a simple answer. We call plastics to all sorts of durable materials that can be easily
molded to fit our needs. They are everywhere, even in your T-shit!-
-What makes them so dangerous?- asked Aurora
-Good question! Plastics are extremely durable, so it takes hundreds of years for them to dicompose. The
water bottle you use today, without being recycled, will be here longer than your grandchildren!.
The real problem, however, is that it's currently so easy and cheap to make them, that more is made than
what we can recycle-
-What can we do?- asked Aurora
-The biggest problem are the single use plastics. Avoid using straws, plastic bags, and perhaps try to
buy groceries in bulk, or prefer those brands that wrap their products in other materials, not made out
of plastic. AND DON'T EVEN MAKE ME START ON GLITTER!- said Elias
-If you want to know more, however, you can visit
-Great! Thanks!!!